Sara Haerens

ABSTRACT MASTER THESIS “Obsolescence. Tacita Dean and the Art Historian” – 2023
This received a distinction at the university VUB
Available to read upon request here
Project for BA in Interior Design, A modular pavilion designed to create an exhibition space for young artists trying to find their way into the art world – 2020
(click here or on the image for more)
This project was featured in the KASK graduation exhibition and website and the Artémis Magazine
MACRO MICRO– 2020 An example of Sara using her creativity, experimenting with her knowledge in art science which is useful in art conservation.
As with the other creative project, Sara uses the practical to broaden her theoretical view, creating interesting standpoints and research questions.

PRE DETERIORATION – 2024 Photography is a creative outlet, but it can also be applied professionally with her experience and knowledge in product and interior photography.
Project for the BA in interior design, an exhibition space for Comme des Garçons, known for the intertwining between fashion and art – 2019 (click here or on the image for more)
MEMORIES OR IMAGINATION – 2021 – 2024 Research on photography and photographic theory