Sara Haerens’ work is a bridge between the contemporary art realm and the echoes of the past, drawing from her academic knowledge in archaeology and art history. As a young artist deeply committed to her craft, Sara artfully intertwines the tangible and the conceptual, transcending the boundaries of conventional artistry.

Driven by a desire to communicate narratives of history in an accessible and meaningful way, Sara’s art finds expression through meticulous detailing and an acute sense of aesthetics. Her artistic journey is an evolving narrative, a testament to her passion for exploring the interplay between ink, paper, applied arts, and history. With each creation, she invites her audience to traverse the corridors of time, unveiling the enduring, timeless qualities at the heart of human creativity and expression.


2021 – 2023 MA in ART HISTORY AND ARCHEOLOGY (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

2020: What Is Contemporary Art? – a six week course by MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) and Coursera

2017 – 2020: BA in INTERIOR DESIGN – focusing on TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS (Kask School of Arts)


2023: “Obsolescence. Tacita Dean and the Art Historian.” Master thesis published in the Vrije Universiteit Brussel library

2021: THE ARTéMIS MAGAZINE: ISSUE 2 ‘STUCK IN TIME’ featuring my modular pavilion ( graduation project ) pages 164 – 176

2020: KASK School Of Arts graduation website

2020: SOULCLUBB – a said by: interview


2020: KASK School Of Arts graduation show