Sara Haerens


One of my specialisations is the design and production of exhibitions, transforming spaces to tell the stories of the artist and the curator, through visual and interactive experiences. Combining the practical knowledge with my other specialisation, that is within academics, where I mainly focus on the artist becoming the art historian, photography, and the history of archaeological practices. Generally, I am drawn towards socially relevant topics.

My professional journey includes experience as an archivist and in collection management, where I have managed and preserved valuable collections. I have also worked in the museum within educational settings, sharing my knowledge and passion for art and history with students and enthusiasts.

With projects in social media, copywriting and as an editor, I am strong in communication, writing academic essays or shorter texts for the public. I make the message stronger by using the correct imagery and graphic design. With connections nationally and internationally, I keep on expanding my connections.


2024: Exhibition catalogue of Provocative Materials for Though – Photobooks by Japanese Women: A Reading Room by curator Carolina Grancho, July 2024 (Contribution as a contributing editor).

2023: “Obsolescence. Tacita Dean and the Art Historian.”, Master thesis published in the Vrije Universiteit Brussel library.

2021: THE ARTéMIS MAGAZINE: ISSUE 2 ‘STUCK IN TIME’ featuring the modular pavilion ( graduation project ), pages 164 – 176.

2020: KASK School Of Arts graduation website.

2020: SOULCLUBB – a said by: interview.


2021 – 2023 MA in ART HISTORY AND ARCHEOLOGY (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

2017 – 2020: BA in INTERIOR DESIGN – focusing on TEMPORARY INSTALLATIONS/ EXHIBITIONS (Kask School of Arts)

2020: What Is Contemporary Art? – a six-week course by MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) and Coursera


2020: KASK School Of Arts graduation show